This web site provides your study results from the Women Firefighters Biomonitoring Collaborative Study. It shows:

  • The levels of chemicals found in your samples.
  • How your levels compare with other people.
  • Where these chemicals come from.
  • How they can affect health.
  • How you can reduce levels of these chemicals in your body, your home, and at work.
Start Here


Firefighters are exposed to chemicals every day — at the fire ground, at the fire station, and in some firefighting equipment. The Women Firefighters Biomonitoring Collaborative (WFBC) wants to know whether women firefighters are exposed to chemicals linked to breast cancer because of their job. To answer this question, the WFBC is comparing chemical exposures in women firefighters and women offce workers in San Francisco.

Chemicals in the study

Your samples are being tested for chemicals used in non-stick or stain resistant coatings, flame retardants, and other emerging compounds of concern in consumer products.

This website

This website includes the results of the chemical measurements that we did with your samples. By clicking through the website, you can learn more about where these chemicals come from, their links to health, and how to reduce exposures in your home and community.

Women Firefighter Biomonitoring Collaborative

Silent Spring Institute California Breast Cancer Research Program United Fire Service Women San Francisco Firefighters Cancer Prevention Foundation Commonweal Breast Cancer Prevention Partners
University of California San Francisco University of California Berkeley School of Public Health University of California Berkeley College of Natural Resources